Thursday, January 14, 2010


Photographers take your best shot or shots of Petaluma and enter the contest for the next stunning image to be used on the cover of the 2010 Official Petaluma Visitor Guide, Visit Petaluma.

The contest deadline is Jan. 31. Titled “Images of Petaluma,” the contest is an opportunity open through the Petaluma Visitor Center that produces the annual Official Visitor Guide, Visit Petaluma. The guide has a national distribution through the Petaluma Visitor Center website at .

Other contest entries may be selected for use on the inside pages of the publication or on the Visitor Center website, Full photo credit and photographer referrals will be given for any images used.

Photographers can submit up to five low-resolution jpeg images, maximum 100 kb each, to Vertical images are preferred for use on the Visitors Guide cover, but all entries are welcome. Winning entrants will be asked to submit high-resolution images following notification.

For more information, please contact the Petaluma Visitor Center at 769-0429 or

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's been something of a struggle, but the Petaluma Visitor Center in the Historic Depot building opened its doors for 2010 on Jan. 4.

Despite some pretty deep cuts most of the original programs to promote and market Petaluma as a visitor destination remain.

It may be difficult to justify continuing the Visitor Center when important public safety and public works jobs get cut.

On the other hand, it is easy to understand how visitors contribute to the local economy every time they shop in a local business, eat in a local restaurant or stay in local lodging. Most people understand that some of that money is generated by contact with the Visitor Center staff, the annual Official Visitor Guide and the official website at

Much of what the Visitor Center does for the local economy is difficult to quantify with numbers. Part of the problem could be that we are in a situation that is a little like the chicken or the egg conundrum. The question is do visitors come to Petaluma because they've been attracted by the visitor guide, the website or other visitor services or do they come to the Visitor Center when they are in Petaluma because this is where they get needed visitor services.

Of course, we keep track of how many of the annual visitor guides are distributed, how many visitors come to the website and how many come through the visitor center doors on any one of the seven days a week that those doors are open.

Those numbers don't tell the whole story though, because there is really no way of knowing how many people come to Petaluma because, for example, a friend gave them a visitor guide or a hotel concierge in San Francisico suggested it for art or antique shopping.

The Visitor Center provides jobs to Petaluma residents and having visitors in Petaluma helps perpetuate jobs at the restaurants, lodging, shopping areas, and attractions they visit.  Petaluma's Visitor Center gave a historic building new life and visibility. It attacts people just by its location. Petaluma's Visitor Center shows that this community appreciates visitors and residents alike. It says this community values its heritage and its image.

Do you know that Petaluma Visitor Center programs help promote local events like Butter & Egg Days, the Sonoma-Marin Fair's World's Ugliest Dog Contest and the annual Salute to American Graffiti nationally and internationally?  The Petaluma Visitor Center produces and distributes boating information for the use of the Petaluma River Turning Basin in Historic Downtown, a valuable service to recreational boaters. The Petaluma Visitor Center produces holiday events that include Santa's Arrival by Boat and the City of Lights Driving Tour.  The Visitor Center provides public and media relations programs and promotions.

There's lots more to the Visitor Center than the "Official Petaluma Visitor Guide," Visit Petaluma and the offical website at and it all works to make Petaluma an attractive destination.

Now seems a good time to thank all the people who've helped keep Petaluma's Visitor Center alive. This is a new year and we are working on producing the "Official 2010 Visitor Guide,"Visit Petaluma that is slated for publication in March. Plans are being made for changes to the website. Exciting ideas for new promotions, events and ways of publicizing Petaluma are afoot.

There are imitation visitor information guides, websites and services, but there is only one Petaluma Visitor Center and it requires community support. You can help by advertising in the "Official Petaluma Visitor Guide," Visit Petaluma, by using and telling others to take advantage of the Official Petaluma Visitor Center website at and be referring customers, clients, family, friends and even people met on the street to the Petaluma Visitor Center at 210 Lakeville St. in the Historic Depot building. We are here to serve this city and doing so keeps us strong, innovative and viable.